Stop Dangerous Gas Storage Expansion in the Finger Lakes!

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Stop Dangerous Gas Storage Expansion in the Finger Lakes!

Please add your name to this petition to urge Senator Gillibrand and Senator Schumer to stop dangerous gas storage expansion in the Finger Lakes.

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Dear Senator Gillibrand and Senator Schumer,

We, residents of the Finger Lakes and New York State, urgently call on you to step in and stop Texas-based oil and gas corporation Crestwood Midstream's proposal to expand dangerous, explosive, underground gas storage in unlined, abandoned salt caverns on the shore of Seneca Lake. The facility poses unacceptable risks of catastrophic explosions, accidents, injuries, leaks, and contamination of Seneca Lake, which is the largest body of freshwater within New York State and a source of drinking water for 100,000 people. This project would also undermine the economy of the entire Finger Lakes, which is built on the region's natural beauty, tourism, agriculture, and wineries.

For our health, drinking water, and the economic vitality of the Finger Lakes, please call on FERC, the EPA, and other federal agencies to stop this dangerous project immediately.
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